101 Fun Creative Writing Exercises:
Become a Better Writer in 14 Minutes a Day
Resource Book For Writers
STRENGTHEN YOUR STORYTELLING SKILLS You've written a great story. Now what? You need two things to become a successful writer. You need to be able to tell a great story and you need to be able to write well. The writers who have both are the ones who get book contracts. When used regularly, this book will help you become a better writer through specific writing exercises that focus on five key storytelling skills:
If you regularly watch episodes of your favorite TV show, drive to the store just to get another 2-liter of your favorite beverage, or aimlessly scroll through social media, then you can set aside 14 minutes a day to dedicate to the development of your writing craft. After all, your stories are worth it. INCLUDES 14 FUN REFERENCE LISTS! |
My Dandelion Wish Journal:
A 5-Year Guided Journal to Write Your Wishes and Dreams
Guided Journal (ages 8-12 and parents too!)
Every time you blow on a white dandelion puffball and make a wish, write it down to help it come true. “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” ~ William Wordsworth
Every spring, dandelions bloom until it becomes a dandelion summer. This dandelion book is a place for you to write down your dreams and your dandelion wishes. This 5-year guided journal for kids (and adults) is a great addition to your springtime nature activities. What will you do on National Dandelion Day on April 5th to celebrate this sunny little flower? When a child writes down a wish, the universe receives it. Help them make their wishes and dreams come true with this seasonal journal. Each spring, encourage your child to write down their wishes in the pages of this book. There is room for about 10 wishes each spring, and lots of other things to journal about. You can look back over the pages of your 5-year wish journal to see how you have grown over time. |
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Picture Book Biography (ages 4-8)
David Brewster never meant to become famous. But that's what happens in 1816 when he accidentally invents a brand new toy. The journey begins during an experiment with rocks and minerals, when he notices agate bending the light twice. Splendid! But can he improve it? Can he create symmetry, or even make it move? So many questions! But David never gives up. His love for science propels him forward through each new question until he names the scientific marvel…the kaleidoscope. This manuscript won FIRST PLACE in the Fifth Annual SCBWI-Carolinas Writing Contest in the Nonfiction Category. |
Recipes for a Dandelion Party
How-To Non-Fiction (ages 7-10)
Is the dandelion a flower, an herb, or a weed? The great debate continues! In 7 short chapters, you'll learn all about the different ways you can make dandelions a part of your life. You'll discover:
Postcards From AlaskaAfter receiving a postcard from Grandfather Atka, Siku decides it’s time to plan a trip to Alaska. Siku says he’ll swim to Alaska like the seals, but Mom says it would be a long, cold trip. After many attempts, Siku has an idea he thinks will actually work, but will Mom be on board?
Ghost RanchOne night at Ghost Ranch, hundreds of dinosaur bones come to life and invite their fellow dinos to a country-western hoedown. Dressed in hats and kerchiefs, they load their wagons and ride a thousand miles to the dance. Finally arriving to the party, they do-si-do late into the night until a duel threatens to end the fun.
Penelope Pepper Has the HiccupsPenelope Pepper has the hiccups, but… they’re contagious! She must stop them before they spread to the next town. She tries every cure she can think of, but nothing works. When she finally thinks up a new plan to stop them, something outrageous and unexpected happens.
Solomon's Raisin FarmIt's 1977, the year after the rain ruined all the raisin crops in California and nobody has any extra money for things like new shoes and Christmas candy. This year, Solomon longs more than ever to get a pair of new shoes in time for the Raisin Harvest Festival. That is, if the rain doesn’t ruin the crops again.